Thursday, 24 January 2013

Seeds of love 2013 - Winners and surprises!

What amazing days!!! Thanks to Isabella and her great iniziative, in just 4 days I have been catapulted in a frenetic and enthusiast community of Garden-Lovers spread through all the Europe!


I met a lot of new people, found talented photographers, many interesting blogs and  .... I even won a lot of seeds!!!! :D :D :D Could have been more enjoyable? :) :) :)

Pinned Image

Isabella asked everyone to offer at least 3 different kind of seeds and to extract at least 3 partecipants.
I chose a combination of 5 sun-lover plants in a very warm palette, and through I extracted 3 lucky people...

59 ---> Laurent, who brings at home Oryza sativa 'Black Madras', 
Hibiscus trionum 'Simply Love'
  and Libertia grandiflora  .
31 ---> Eddy, who brings at home Hibiscus trionum 'Simply Love' and Helianthus annuus 'Total Eclipse'
37 ---> Zoraly, who brings at home Oryza sativa 'Black Madras', Hibiscus trionum 'Simply Love'  and Libertia grandiflora   as well!

The number of available seeds was not enough to extract other numbers... but the  Tropaeolum majus 'Tom Thumb Mixed' seeds were waiting to explore the I scrolled the list until I found someone ready to welcome them  in their garden: Lydie and Régine, numbers 10 & 12!

It seemed all settled... BUT there have been so lovely partecipants, so  fabulous people and I could not even think about leave the other  with bare hands (or bare pots!!!). My profession (and passion!) has led me to have a little collection of very interesting seeds...however most of them are in very limited quantities... how send them without hurt anyone? And how to decide what to send to who? 

I was thinking about it...when my eye crossed the sketchbook with my ideas for the new blog... Mumble Mumble...

And suddently I found!!! The next 50 hours will see the birth of my New Blog and of Mercurelli's Garden Design FB page ... I cannot wait and I keep wondering what people will think about them! So...why do not combine the two!?!?!?

Would be very useful to me to know your impression and thought about to give another opportunity to those who have not been extracted... I will offer 6 PERSONALIZED SEEDS  COMBINATION to 6 people extracted between the Blog and the FB page!

Details will follow soon! :)

Hope you will appreciate my idea and that all SOL partecipants enjoyed this great great event! :)

Thanks so much Isabelle!!!!



  1. Sei un genio! ;)
    Mi sembra un'ottima iniziativa!
    Ho creato un mostro! ahahahahha :D
    E' un eccellente idea e provvederò subito a pubblicizzare la tu anuova pagina di FB con gli amici.
    Ti aspetto!
    Un bacione dalla tua Sardegna :*

    1. Grazie Titti!!! :)
      Ho tanti tipi di semi diversi ma tutti in piccolissime quantità e proprio non sapevo come inviarli senza creare scontenti...mi è sembrata una buona idea!!!

      Quanto al'...te ne vai in giro a spargere 'furighedda'..questi sono i risultati!!!!!!! :):):)

    2. Ahahhahaha :D
      Sono contagiosa....non te l'avevo detto? ;)

  2. That's a great idea !!! It makes the Seeds of Love still more interesting, thank you.

    1. Thanks Isabelle! But most of all, thanks so much for your initiative! I really loved it and I met such wonderful people! Thank you!

  3. fantastico,mi piace come ti muovi.......farò pubblicità.....un abbraccio!!!!!

  4. Woot :) thank you verry much !

  5. Replies
    1. :) :) :) Ne sono felice! :):):) Come vedi i 'lavori' sono già iniziati! Presto sarà pronta la versione ufficiale! :)

  6. C'est une super idée, Noemi ! J'attends avec impatience de découvrir ton nouvau blog et ce que tu attends de nous ...
    Baci e buona serata u!

    1. Hello Marie!

      Tu es venu un peu "avant les autres, dans la phase de construction. Que pensez-vous du résultat final?

  7. I love the bisou at the end of your posts. ;-)
    Bisous Noemi

    1. :) thank you Regine! :) I am trying to be as international as I can and to refresh my dusted French! :)
