Monday, 24 June 2013

Wordless day: The Rose Garden at Hampton Court

One of the 'secrets' to cope with my fast-paced, ultra flexible and exciting Garden Designer life...are my Sunday mornings! :) After a week of planning, designing, organizing, and managing I treat myself with a special morning every week. Its simple rhythm is a key to restore the energies and to welcome the next week with a wheelbarrow full of smiles and enthusiasm :)

These the ingredients of my simple, restoring, Sunday mornings: 
Wake up, a beloved fiancè who appears with pan au chocolate (optional), Mass and...Hampton Court!!! :)

Hampton Court is the fantastic Royal Palace where I studied Garden Design. I am really passionate about it and I could spend hours telling you about its history and its gardens. Almost every Sunday I go there after the Mass and I let it restore and inspire me while having a relaxing walk with my other half. I alwas take some pictures...but only today I realised I have never shared them! How greedy! :) Let me fix it by showing yesterday morning shoots in the scented Rose Garden: 

{Rosa 'Rosy Cushion'}
{Rosa 'John Clare' (Pink) and Rosa 'Golden Celebration' (Yellow)}

{Here and below, Rosa 'Scepter'd Isle'}
{Rosa 'Scepter'd Isle' close-up}
{Rosa 'Golden Celebration' (yellow) and Rosa 'Winchester Cathedral' (white)}
{Rosa 'Harlow Carr', perfectly matching the pink tips of the Actinidia kolomikta in the background }
Hope you enjoyed it! :)


  1. Eh certo che sei proprio fortunata ad avere a due passi un giardino così bello e famoso!
    Grazie per questo reportage!
    Le rose Austin sono bellissime e devo dire perfette, si vede che le condizioni climatiche e le cure costanti aiutano molto!
    Grazie e aspetto nuovi reportage! ;)
    Un abbraccione!

  2. Merci d'avoir partagé ce beau reportage avec nous Noémie. Comme cela doit être merveilleux de se promener dans ce jardin à cette période de l'année!

  3. WAOUH so many roses, an ocean of roses , i d love to go there, tks for the journey

  4. So beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing. Hope you enjoy another fine morning there tomorrow! ~Julie

  5. Wow, that looks wonderful! Love it! Thanks for the nice share!

  6. Che posto incredibile. Le rose sono sempre bene avere in giardini. Soprattutto mi piace il profumo di fiori. Vorrei che si ottiene la MEDAGLIA D'ORO RHS abbastanza presto. I miei migliori auguri.
