Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Wordless Wednesdays: Hummelo, Piet&Anja Oudolf's Private Garden. An Antipasti!

Welcome back at Mercurelli's blog and thank you for all the lovely comments left here and on Facebook.
As anticipated, the past few weeks have been a succession of blessings and one of the most significant, inspirational and emotional was being able to meet Piet and Anja Oudolf again, while visiting their garden in Hummelo.

I will soon publish a post about this overwelming occasion, but in the meantime here a little 'Antipasti' as part of the new  'Wordless Wednesdays' posts. 

Grab a cup of your favourite organic tea, get your 'Pin it' button ready...and enjoy! ;) 

I hope you liked this little starter and I hope you will be back soon! :)
In the meantime, why don't follow me on Twitter and on Facebook for daily updates?


  1. Such a lovely day to visit! That is white laitris that looks so stunning by the feather reed grass, yes? Just lovely. A beautiful balance of structure and waving grasses & flowers.

    Thanks for sharing your visit, Noemi! I did enjoy pinning a few :)

    1. Hi Julie!
      You are more then welcome to pin! I am glad you enjoyed this little peek...More pictures will come soon.
      From the little bit of leaves that I can see, I looks more a Sanguisorba canadensis to me... I agree, a lovely combination of structures and shapes!
