Sunday, 24 January 2016

Seed of Love 2016 - The winners!

Wow... it seems yesterday that the much-waited international edition of SOL-Seed Of Love 2016 was inaugurated...and is already time to draw the winners! :) 
Once again I have no enough words to thank the incredible Isabelle of A Little Bit Of Paradise for organising and managing all, and for the incredible community of garden-lovers from all over the world she drawn together in those 4 years! Thanks Isabelle!

Going back to the draw, it is always a shame not being able to award everyone who take part... but here we are... the time has come!

Congratulations to: 

Judith and Carine - Number 43 and 143 - who win Digitalis lutea
Claudine+Michael and Delphine - Number 97 and  145 - who win Nigella damascena 'Persian Rose'
Gitte - Number 91 - who wins Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Graffithi'
Cecile - Number 3 - who wins Centaurea cyanus 'Black Ball'
Evelyn and  Sylvie - Number 20 and 46 - who win Consolida ajacis 'Dark Blue'
Double congratulations to Cori - Number 60, that thanks to wins both the Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Graffithi' and the Centaurea cyanus 'Black Ball'

Thanks to all participants...and see you next year! :)

P.S. This month I received an incredible amount of friendships request on my personal Facebook page and I thank you so much for your interest and your requests, they are much appreciated! However I don't share much on my personal page, and the little I do is mostly family/life/faith related.  I would recommend to visit and follow my public business page instead,  Mercurelli's Garden Design, where I share lots of pics and info on gardens, garden shows, plants and competitions! :D 
You can find the link above or here. You can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest  for updates!)

Friday, 1 January 2016

Seed of Love 2016


I am very excited to start the new year taking part to the 'Seed Of Love 2016' exchange, organised by the wonderful Isabelle.

If you are a reader of this blog, you might already know that I LOVE productive, multifunctional gardens, and therefore this year I have been trilled to be involved in 3 projects including the design of a Cutting Garden area.

This little seed selection reflect few of my favourite plants for cutting gardens, as gorgeous in the border among perennials as well indoor on your dining table.

Enjoy! :)

{Digitalis lutea, here with Lupinus 'Chandelier', Gladiolus trusts, Milium effuse 'Aureum' , Euphorbia sp.}
Digitalis Lutea
Made recently very popular by Luciano Giubilei and his latest Best In Show garden at Chelsea. Gorgeous cream colour, loves a semi-shaded, well drained soil and is a great addition to woodlands, cottage gardens, wildlife heavens :)

{Nigella damascena 'Persian Rose' - photo from here}
Nigella damascena 'Persian Rose'.
One of the easiest to grow. Perfect quick filler, lovely flowers followed by very attractive seed-heads that last months once dried.

{Bupleurum rotundifolium ‘Graffithii' - image from}
Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Graffithi'
Perfect filler for the border as well for the vase. Discovered Great Dixter for the first time...and deeply in love since. Very useful annual loving sunny, well drained soils.

{Centaurea cyanus 'Black Ball' - image from}
Centaurea cyanus 'Black Ball'
Dark crimson -almost black- flowers, easy to grow and loved by wildlife <3 Appreciate sunny, well drained soils. Gorgeous seedheads.

{Consolida ajacis 'Dark Blue' - image from pd4pic}
Consolida ajacis 'Dark Blue'
Tall, annual delphinium which can last up to 10 days in a vase . A must in English/Cottage/Romantic gardens!

PS S.O.L rules and FAQ can be found here.